Informations générales (source:
Study of Family COsegregation of Nucleotide VARiants in the Panel of Genes to Validate Their Use in Genetic Counseling (COVAR)
Institut Curie (Voir sur ClinicalTrials)
juillet 2012
janvier 2034
29 juin 2024
The aim of the COVAR project is to classify reliably a maximum of VUS of the French
database in order to use them for the genetic counseling. The results obtained through
this study will have a major impact on clinical management of the patients and their
families conducting in some cases to propose a prophylactic surgery.
Les établissements d'Île-de-France ayant mis à jour leurs données Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données | |||||
CLCC INSTITUT CURIE | 04/12/2024 12:44:27 | Contacter | |||
CLCC RENE HUGUENIN INSTITUT CURIE | 04/12/2024 12:44:10 | Contacter | |||
Les établissements d'Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données | |||||
AP-HP - Hôpital Saint Antoine | Antoine DARDENNE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
AP-HP - Hôpital Tenon | Clémence EVREVIN, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CLCC INSTITUT GUSTAVE ROUSSY | Olivier CARON, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Les établissements sans correspondance certaine dans le répertoire FINESS dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données | |||||
Centre Alexis Vautrin - 54511 - Vandoeuvre les Nancy - France | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | ||||
Centre Antoine Lacassagne - 06189 - Nice - France | Véronique MARI, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Catherine de Sienne - 44202 - Nantes - France | Alain LORTHOLARY, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Eugène Marquis - 35042 - Rennes - France | Louise CRIVELLI, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre François Baclesse - 14076 - Caen - France | Pascaline BERTHET, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Hospitalier d'Angoulème - 16959 - Angoulême - France | Stéphanie CHIEZE-VALERO, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Hospitalier de Valence - 26953 - Valence - France | Marie-Noëlle BONNET-DUPEYRON, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Hospitalier Georges Renon - 79021 - Niort - France | Stéphanie CHIEZE-VALERO, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Hospitalier Hôtel Dieu - 73011 - Chambery - France | Sandra FERRER, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Hospitalier Jacques Coeur - 18020 - Bourges - France | Isabelle MORTEMOUSQUE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Jean Perrin - 63011 - Clermont-Ferrand - France | Mathilde GAY-BELLILE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Léon Bérard - 69373 - Lyon - France | Christine LASSET, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Centre Oscar Lambret - 59000 - Lille - France | Audrey MAILLIEZ, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CH Simone VEIL - 10003 - Troyes - France | Charlotte CAILLE-BENIGNI, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHRU Caremeau - 30029 - Nîmes - France | Jean CHIESA, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Chru Lille - 59037 - Lille - France | Sophie LEJEUNE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Amiens - Hôpital Nord - 80054 - Amiens - France | Gilles MORIN, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Arnaud de Villeneuve - 34295 - Montpellier - France | Isabelle COUPIER, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Besançon - 25030 - Besancon - France | Marie-Agnès COLLONGE-RAME, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Bretonneau - 37044 - Tours - France | Isabelle MORTEMOUSQUE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU de Dijon - 21079 - Dijon - France | Laurence FAIVRE-OLIVIER, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU de Grenoble - 38043 - Grenoble - France | Clémentine LEGRAND, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU de Reims - 51092 - Reims - France | Anne DURLACH, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU de Rouen - 76031 - Rouen - France | Isabelle TENNEVET, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Dupuytren - 87042 - Limoges - France | Laurence VENAT-BOUVET, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU La Milétrie - 86021 - Poitiers - France | Stéphanie CHIEZE-VALERO, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU La Timone - 13385 - Marseille - France | Hélène ZATTARA, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Morvan de Brest - 29200 - Brest - France | Marc PLANES, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Nancy - Hôpital Brabois - 54511 - Vandoeuvre les Nancy - France | Jean-Marie RAVEL, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
CHU Saint Etienne - 42055 - Saint-Étienne - France | Fabienne PRIEUR, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Groupe Hospitalier La Rochelle-Ré-Aunis - 17019 - La Rochelle - France | Stéphanie CHIEZE-VALERO, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Groupe Hospitalier Pellegrin - 33076 - Bordeaux - France | Julie TINAT, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière - 75013 - Paris - France | Véronica CUSIN, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
HEGP - 75908 - Paris - France | Pierre-Laurent PUIG, Phd | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hôpital Civil de Colmar - 68024 - Colmar - France | Jean-Marc LIMACHER | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hopital de Hautepierre - Hôpital Universitaire - 67200 - Strasbourg - France | Christine MAUGARD, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hôpital de la Source - 45067 - Orléans - France | E COTTEREAU, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hôpital Flaubert - 76083 - Le Havre - France | Elodie LACAZE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hôpital Saint-Louis - 75475 - Paris - France | Odile COHEN-HAGUENAUER, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Hospices Civils de Lyon - 69229 - Lyon - France | Sophie GIRAUD, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
ICC Courlancy - 51100 - Reims - France | Fanny BRAYOTEL, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
ICO - Centre Paul Papin - 49933 - Angers - France | Marie COUDERT, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
ICO - Centre René Gauducheau - 44804 - Saint-Herblain - France | Capucine DELNATTE, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut Bergonié - 33076 - Bordeaux - France | Virginie BUBIEN, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut Claudius Regaud - IUCT - Oncopole - 31059 - Toulouse - France | Laurence GLADIEFF, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe ICANS - 67033 - Strasbourg - France | Philippe BOUDIER, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut Jean Godinot - 51100 - Reims - France | Tan Dat NGUYEN, PHD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut Paoli Calmettes - 13009 - Marseille - France | Hagay SOBOL, PhD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) | |||
Institut Sainte-Catherine - 84918 - Avignon - France | Hélène DREYFUS, MD | Contact (sur clinicalTrials) |
Inclusion Criteria:
Index cases:
- A person carrying a gene variant class 3 or 4, present and selected in the families
of national database of genetic group and cancer (GGC Unicancer) which identifies
the variations of all genes from the panel of genes of all French laboratories.
- Age ≥ 18 years.
- Signed written inform consent "index case"
Related parties:
- Any relative of an index case with cancer
- Any relative without cancer related to an index case, retained by investigators,
based on family structure and degree of related compared to the index case
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Information and signature of the informed consent "selected relatives"
Index cases:
- A person carrying a gene variant class 3 or 4, present and selected in the families
of national database of genetic group and cancer (GGC Unicancer) which identifies
the variations of all genes from the panel of genes of all French laboratories.
- Age ≥ 18 years.
- Signed written inform consent "index case"
Related parties:
- Any relative of an index case with cancer
- Any relative without cancer related to an index case, retained by investigators,
based on family structure and degree of related compared to the index case
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Information and signature of the informed consent "selected relatives"
- Minors
- Persons deprived of liberty or under guardianship (including curators).
- Absence of signed written inform consent