Informations générales (source:

NCT02132364 Statut inconnu
Controlled Education Of Patients After Stroke (CEOPS)
  • Hypertension artérielle
  • Accident vasculaire cérébral
University Hospital, Lille (Voir sur ClinicalTrials)
janvier 2014
juillet 2021
29 juin 2024
The main objective of the study is to compare the benefit of optimised follow-up by nursing personnel from the vascular neurology department, including therapeutic follow-up and an educational program directed to the patient and a caregiving member of his social circle, with that of a typical follow-up.


Les établissements d'Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
GH PARIS SITE SAINT JOSEPH MATHIEU ZUBER, MD phd Recrutement non commencé Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Les établissements hors Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
C H U Dupuytren Limoges - Limoges - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
CH - 62100 - Calais - France OLIVIER DEREEPER, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Ch Intercommunal Compiègne-Noyon - Compiegne - Compiègne - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Ch Sambre Avesnois Maubeuge - Maubeuge - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Chru Nancy - Hopitaux de Braboi - Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
CHU - 25000 - Besancon - France THIERRY MOULIN, MDphD Recrutement non commencé Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
CHU - 33076 - Bordeaux - France IGOR SIBON, MD phD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
CHU - 76031 - Rouen - France EVELYNE MASSARDIER, MD Recrutement non commencé Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Chu de Grenoble Alpes - Grenoble 9 - Grenoble - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Les établissements sans correspondance certaine dans le répertoire FINESS dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
CHRU - 59037 - Lille - France REGIS BORDET, MD phD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Chru Brest - Brest - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
CHU - 21000 - Dijon - France MAURICE GIROUD, MD phD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Chu Amiens Picardie - Amiens - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Chu La Miletrie - Poitiers - Poitiers - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Hopital Pierre Wertheimer - Hcl - Bron - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Samsah Ghicl Capinghem - Capinghem - France En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)


Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients over 60 years of age

- Patients who have had a first stroke, transient or permanent, ischaemic or
haemorrhagic, justifying hospitalisation

- Patients with high blood pressure already treated or discovered at the time of the
stroke and justifying the start of a treatment

- Patients who have had a stroke with sequelae allowing immediate return home or
justifying a stay of less than one month in rehabilitation

- Patient having a member of his social circle who has agreed to provide follow-up for
two years in association with the assigned nursing personnel in case of
randomisation into the "optimised follow-up" group.

Exclusion criteria

- Patients less than 60 years of age

- Patients with a history of stroke

- Patients who do not have high blood pressure discovered by a treatment prior to the
stroke or by abnormal blood pressure figures during hospitalisation

- Patients who have had a stroke causing serious sequelae, justifying an extended stay
in a rehabilitation department

- Patient who has no one in his social circle capable of working with the assigned
nursing personnel, or patient living in an institution