Informations générales (source:

NCT03686306 En recrutement IDF
VIRTUOSE : Efficiency of Sildenafil on the Absolute Claudication Distance of Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients With Intermittent Claudication. A Phase III, National, Multicentre, Prospective, Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. (VIRTUOSE)
  • Claudication intermittente
  • Maladies vasculaires périphériques
  • Maladie artérielle périphérique
Phase 3
Rennes University Hospital (Voir sur ClinicalTrials)
novembre 2021
juin 2025
29 juin 2024
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a highly debilitating disease that affects 202 million people around the world and about 7 million people in France. Morbi-mortality from cardiovascular events is increased in this population. Intermittent claudication is defined as a discomfort and/or pain in the legs during walking. It is the most common clinical feature of PAD. In claudication, primary therapeutic approach is medical treatment and advice to walk. Revascularization is only proposed when medical treatment and advice to walk for at least 3 to 6 months have failed to improve symptoms and walking ability. Optimal medical treatment includes Antiplatelet, Lipid Lowering Drugs, AT2 antagonists / ACE Inhibitors and advice to walk. To date, no other drug has provided consistent evidence for functional improvement in claudication, except for Cilostazol, a type-3 phospho-diesterase inhibitor (PDEi). This compound has been scarcely used in France due to cost and frequent side effect (Headache, Flush, Diarrhea, etc.) and was withdrawn as a therapy in 2010. Sildenafil, a type 5 PDEi, is well tolerated, largely used in impotence and has interesting clinical delay and duration of action in the concept of a potential use in claudication. Preliminary data from the literature and unpublished case reports, suggest that this drug could efficiently improve symptoms and walking capacity in patients with stage 2 claudication.
 Voir le détail


Les établissements d'Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
AP-HP - Hôpital Europeen Georges Pompidou Tristan MIRAULT, MD En recrutement IDF Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
GH PARIS SITE SAINT JOSEPH Ulrique MICHON-PASTUREL, MD En recrutement IDF Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Les établissements hors Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
Amiens University Hospital - Amiens - France Marie-Antoinette SEVESTRE, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Les établissements sans correspondance certaine dans le répertoire FINESS dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
Bordeaux University Hospital - Bordeaux - France Joel CONSTANS, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Caen University Hospital - Caen - France Damien LANEELLE, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Cholet Hospital - Cholet - France Cédric FONTAINE, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Grenoble University Hospital - Grenoble - France Gilles PERNOD, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste de Grenoble - 38000 - Grenoble - France Benjamin SONNET En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Guillaume MAHE - 35033 - Rennes - Bretagne - France Guillaume MAHE, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Mulhouse Hospital - Mulhouse - France Suspendu Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Nîmes University Hospital - Nîmes - France Antonia PEREZ MARTIN, MD En recrutement Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Saint-Etienne University Hospital - Saint-Etienne - France Annulé Contact (sur clinicalTrials)
Toulouse University Hospital - Toulouse - France Annulé Contact (sur clinicalTrials)


Inclusion Criteria:

1. Patient ≥ 18 years old;

2. with peripheral artery disease (ABI ≤ 0.90 or TBI ≤ 0.70 or post-exercise ABI
decrease of 18.5% from rest or ABI Exercise TcPO2 with DROPmin ≤ - 15 mmHg)
reporting stable limiting claudication despite optimal medical treatment
(Antiplatelet / Direct Oral Anticoagulant + Lipid Lowering Drugs + AT2 antagonists /
ACE Inhibitors; unless contra-indication) and advice to walk for at least 4 weeks;

3. with a walking capacity lower or equal to 500 meters on treadmill;

4. affiliation to a social security agency

5. Patient who has understood the protocol and signed the consent form to participate.

1. Revascularization already decided and scheduled;

2. Critical limb ischemia;

3. Life threatening disease;

4. Contraindication related to Sildenafil:

- Patients treated with nitrates or drugs interfering with the action of

- Ongoing treatment by Ritonavir or alpha-blockers

- Hypersensitivity to sildenafil or any of the excipients (lactose monohydrate)

- Recent history of myocardial infarction or stroke < 3 months

- Severe cardiovascular disorders such as unstable angina, severe cardiac failure
and cardiomyopathy

- Hypotension (Blood pressure < 90/50 mmHg)

- Severe renal or hepatic failure

- Amblyopia

- Loss of vision in one eye because of Non-arterial ischemic Ophtalmic Neuropathy

- Known hereditary degenerative retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa

- Leukemia, Drepanocytosis, Multiple Myeloma

5. Pregnancy or breastfeeding;

6. Subjects under reinforced protection, deprived of liberty by judicial or
administrative decision, hospitalized without consent or admitted to a health or
social care establishment for purposes other than research;

7. Being in an exclusion period for another clinical study or in an ongoing
interventional clinical study.