Informations générales (source:

NCT05015790 Statut inconnu
Effect of VIrtual Reality Spectacles on the Management of Pain and Anxiety During the Insertion of the Implantable Catheter Chamber in the Operating Theatre in Cancer Patients (LURVIDOC)
Poissy-Saint Germain Hospital (Voir sur ClinicalTrials)
février 2021
juin 2022
29 juin 2024
To assess the contribution of the use of virtual reality glasses on the pain perceived by patients during the installation of an ICP in the operating room under local anesthesia in the patient newly diagnosed with cancer
 Voir le détail


Les établissements d'Île-de-France dont les données sont issues de Origine et niveau de fiabilité des données
CHI POISSY ST-GERMAIN Loizeau Valerie En recrutement IDF Contact (sur clinicalTrials)


Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult patient over 18 years of age

- Patient suffering from a cancerous pathology

- Patient taken care of for the installation of the ICH

- Patient does not speak and understand French

- Patient who has had a previous ICH installation

- Patient with cognitive impairment

- Patient with pain perception disorder